LCSC Center for Arts & History, Lewiston, ID
mixed media, 24 x 10 x 8' (variable)
Conversations in The Land of Sea begins as a dialogue between the Palouse and the Prairie. The decorative wallpaper of flying Magpies intertwined between pods of lentils surround the space. Two paper typewriters seem to write endless messages to one another. White scrolls of paper emerge from each and cascade to the floor. Circular screen printed wheat rugs meet the paper.
This time-based piece built in the gallery over a few weeks and consisted of several elements. The wallpaper designed and printed for the installation, screen-printed paper typewriters, hand-made tables and felt serigraph rugs. The objects are strategically placed, allowing the viewer to interact and immerse themselves in the contemplative space. A conversation about how we communicate with or without technology. This piece addresses broader issues of communication through our environments. The images of lentils and magpies on the wallpaper, the screen printed wheat images radiating from the circle floor pieces, beg us to take another look at the symbolism and iconography of the region.