The series comprised of a traveling mixed media paintings and drawings with Seattle, Washington, artist Holly Campbell 2013 - 2015
Since completing their graduate studies together, Karri Dieken and Holly Campbell, have remained in close contact. Working in response to "Home Sweet Home," the construct of place, home, family, surroundings, objects, and space. Defining and navigating their existence via long distance correspondence.
The images are the result of said mail correspondence. Communicating with one another via the U.S.Post, Karri and Holly send the mixed-media paintings back and forth, between Washington, Arizona, South Dakota, and North Dakota, each time with new additions. Both women work from home-based studios and employ images about their domestic (interior) spaces.
Each scene is penned in painted line and combined with images of the 'ideal' home, with related imagery. The scenes transposed into mixed-media drawings; each artist replies with additional color, icons, imagery, and fibers, uniquely to each piece. When they are satisfied, the drawings are sent back to the originating artist for the finishing touches. Each painting loosely defines 'home' and the internal landscape existing within them through images, pattern, familiarity, symbolism, and color.
Each artist has inserted her narrative in these mixed-media paintings. Sometimes it is difficult to see where one ends and the other begins, which is part of the conversation illustrated. The process of working in this way is a testament to their shared struggles, even though they are miles apart, they share common threads. Speaking in images and sharing their love through mark making.
Growing body of work 4 of 9 pieces completed.